Graduate Studies Emergency Grant Program

The Graduate Studies Emergency Grant Program provides support for graduate students experiencing unexpected challenges that impede their progress toward their degrees. Examples include:

  • Medical, dental, or other health emergencies
  • Accidents and unexpected events such as natural disasters
  • Expenses associated with family emergencies such as death in the immediate family

Grants are for the direct use of enrolled students in academic graduate programs, including international and undocumented students, and their dependents. Students in MBA, MD, JD, and DVM programs are not eligible for this grant, and they are encouraged to talk with their programs to explore support resources.

This grant is designed to address gaps in emergency funding, and prior to applying, graduate students should first seek out funding from the other campus units below, depending on the situation:

In addition, we highly recommend that when facing sudden large expenses, students ask for installment or payment plans from providers.


Students must be an enrolled academic graduate student in six or more units for the current quarter. They must be in good academic standing. (Students on academic probation will be considered with program support documentation). Students are expected to be seeking support from other relevant offices or academic units, and they are encouraged to talk with their Graduate Program Coordinators and Faculty Advisors for help in identifying sources of financial assistance. Grants should not be used to address payroll or fellowship delays.

Award Description 

Awards may be requested for expenses that total at least $50, up to a total lifetime amount of $1,500 per student. 

Application Process

The application includes a brief statement explaining the emergency situation and a budget for the amount requested. Once students have submitted the form, the Executive Director for Student and Postdoctoral Support will contact them to assist with the process and referrals to resources.

Click Here to Apply